Rope access NDT Services allows our certified technicians to gain access to even the most difficult areas, performing careful examination inspections of a variety of structures. This allows our inspectors to provide your organization with the most accurate, actionable information possible, allowing you to perform any necessary repairs or maintenance to maximize performance and increase safety above all else.
The increasing need for the use of rope access techniques for executing work at height and remote locations has led to the use of well trained and highly experienced IRATA rope-access technicians which is an essential prerequisite during inspection and other support services. Rope access has become a better alternative providing a safer, cost-effective, efficient and versatile means of access when likened to conventional access methods similar to scaffolding and platforms.
TOPSCAN Provides highly experienced rope access inspectors and other support crew requiring specialized rope access capabilities in:
Rope Access Inspection services using Conventional and Advanced NDT, Corrosion Mapping and In-service Inspection for oil and gas installations.
Rigging and lifting projects.
Maintenance and repair activities in offshore structures, towers and stacks
Painting campaigns, fabric maintenance and corrosion control services